How To Send Images Uncompressed In Telegram?

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Send uncompressed images in Telegram

Send uncompressed images in Telegram

By default, Telegram compresses images to reduce their file size and improve upload and download speeds.

However, if you want to send images uncompressed in Telegram, you can follow these steps:

To Send Uncompressed Photos And Videos In Telegram Mobile

You can follow these steps:

#1 Open the Telegram app on your mobile device.

#2 Open the chat or conversation where you want to send the uncompressed media.

#3 Tap on the attachment icon (paperclip icon) located at the bottom of the chat window.

Select paperclip icon

#4 A menu will appear with different options. Select “File” or “Gallery” depending on where your uncompressed photo or video is saved.

Select File or Gallery

#5 If you select “File,” a file explorer will open. Navigate to the location where the uncompressed media is saved on your device and select it. In this way your file or image will be automatically sent uncompressed.

sent uncompressed images

If you select “Gallery” you will be able to browse through your device’s photo or video gallery. Find and select the uncompressed media. After selecting the file, tap on the three dots in the upper right corner and select the option to send without compression.

Note: Sending uncompressed media files may take longer and consume more data compared to sending compressed files. Make sure you have a stable internet connection and consider the file size before sending uncompressed media.

To Send Uncompressed Photos And Videos In Telegram Desktop

You can follow these steps:

  1. Open Telegram Desktop on your computer.
  2. Open the chat or conversation where you want to send the uncompressed media.
  3. Click on the attachment icon (paperclip icon) located at the bottom left corner of the chat window.
  4. A file explorer window will open. Navigate to the location where the uncompressed photo or video is saved on your computer.
  5. Select the photo or video file you want to send.
  6. Click on the “Open” button to start uploading the file.
  7. Telegram will start uploading the file to the chat. The time taken for the upload will depend on the file size and your internet connection speed.
  8. Once the upload is complete, you can add a caption or additional text if desired.
  9. Finally, click on the send button (paper plane icon) to send the uncompressed photo or video in Telegram.

Note: While Telegram does not support sending images uncompressed through drag and drop, using the attachment icon to upload files allows you to send them without compression.

Send Images Uncompressed In Telegram

Share Your High-Quality Photos And Videos On Telegram

In this tutorial, we explained how to send an uncompressed file with Telegram from the buytelegrammember website. By selecting the “Send without compression” or “Send as file” option, Telegram will send the image without applying any compression, preserving its original quality and file size. Keep in mind that sending uncompressed images may take longer and consume more data, so make sure you have a stable internet connection and consider the recipient’s internet speed and data usage as well.

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